The Variable Value Stamps Study and Collecting Group |
ATEEME is an independent international philatelic group created in 1999, specializing in the collecting and study of ATMs and variable value stamps in general. Its one of the leading references, worldwide, for this postal and philatelic area. ATEEME has over 300 members, collaborators and VARIABLE subscribers, in 22 countries.
The quarterly publication, VARIABLE, and the web site ( are the official outlets of the Group.
For more information, or if you wish to join ATEEME, just contact us (Spanish - English - French - Portuguese - Italian languages) by e-mail, letter or phone.
ATEEME offers you various options. You can download the subscription form on this link > |
We invite you to join our Group, and receive our publications and shipments of ATMs and covers, along with all the options we offer you, as the standing order for new issues.
In 2021, ATEEME members will receive four quarterly shipments with the specialist publication VARIABLE (written in both Spanish & English - full color edition).
For new members, in addition, a special shipment with a large selection of worldwide ATM issues, special labels and different items related to ATMs.
You'll have free access to all the web site and the ATEEME Internal Bulletin, as well as all the services, editions and promotions proposed by the Group. Plus you will have the support and the help of worldwide specialists on these type of issues. |
The ATEEME publications offers the most complete and comprehensive information about variable value stamp issues, worldwide, as well as the postal processes and equipment involved in producing these issues. Our publications are the reference, worldwide, and brings together specialized studies and articles, produced by, or with the collaboration of, the main specialists. You are also invited to collaborate with your own studies and articles.
Some of the maximum cards with ATMs edited by ATEEME in 2010 |
And still more ... You'll have also valuable discounts on all your purchases at the online ATM GALLERY dealership (
And remember, your collaboration makes our web site and the different publications possible, with studies, and initiatives launched by ATEEME.
Maybe its your first visit, or maybe you already know our work, or have participated in promotions or ATEEME activities, or maybe you have been a regular visitor to our web site from many years ?
Joining ATEEME is the best way to go. We wait to hear from you !
The annual fee runs from January to December. What's happens if I decide to join ATEEME in March ... or November ?
Don't worry. ATEEME will send to you a shipment of all the publications, stamps, covers and other material received by our members in that year. |
Why is authorization required to access some of the studies and articles published on the website ?
ATEEME is an independent philatelic group that is only maintained thanks to contributions from its members and VARIABLE subscribers, worldwide. Without their cooperation it would not be possible to offer the specialized studies and articles published and, therefore, they are the first recipients of our work. All members of ATEEME have free and unlimited access to all the contents of the website.
So we try to protect this work and minimise non-authorized (commercial) copying, which unfortunately is still so common.
Thank you for your understanding ! |
You can download the subscription form on this link >
You can also pay with any major credit / debit card through the secure payment gateway at GALERIA ATM. It's easy, fast and 100% secure !
Just click on the buttons below |
(New members and renewals)
Annual fee 2022 + the publication VARIABLE
(Secure payment link by credit card or Paypal through our online shop GALERIA ATM) |
I only would like to subscribe to
VARIABLE (1 year - 4 issues)
(See other payment options in the subscription form.
Paypal payment is also available, adding the corresponding fees) |
Grupo de Estudio y Coleccionismo de Sellos de Valor Variable
Variable Value Stamps Study and Collecting Group
Pl. Gral. Prim, 9 B - 6-2
43001 - Tarragona
Catalunya - Spain
Tel: (+34) 977.245.721
e-mail: grupo(at) |
Restricted area for ATEEME members only
( Information about the ATM shipments, news, Group activities, offers, ...)
A username and password is required. If you don't have one or you have forgotten it then, please contact us |
Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services:
© ATEEME. Variable value stamps study