SPAIN. Epelsa - Mobba issues 2000 38
III Centenario Fundacional Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores y del Santísimo Cristo de la Clemencia. Córdoba /
III Centenary of Brotherhood Foundation
Date of issue :
September 2000
Size :
47 x 27 mm.
Paper :
Thermal self adhesive - multicoloured 
Imprint :
Thermal on black
Imprint varieties : 6 ( Mobba and Epelsa with 4, 5 and 6 digits )
Design :
Printer :
FNMT. Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre
Printing :
50.000.000 of labels
Click on the image to enlarge it

Founded on 1699, the Real, Venerable e Ilustre Hermandad Servita de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores Coronada y el Santísimo Cristo de la Clemencia  ( Royal, Venerable and Illustrious Brotherhood of the Servants of Our Lady of the Crowned Dolores and the Saint Christ of the Clemency ), also well known like "Los Dolores", constitutes itself like Orden Tercera de la de los Siervos de la Virgen María (Servitas)( Third one of the Servants of the Virgin Maria Order ), gathering the all ages Cordoba inhabitants devotion by the invocation of the Dolores de Maria, and that he will have, from 1719, in the face of the titular image of this Brotherhood, work of the sculptor Juan Prieto, to the most faithful representation of his Lady.

From 1717 the presence of this Brotherhood in the Semana Santa de Córdoba is documented. 

In 1939 it's added, like cotitular of the Brotherhood, the image of the Santísimo Cristo de la Clemencia ( Saint Christ of the Clemency ), work of Amadeo Ruíz Olmos ( 1939 ), who appears for the first time in the penitential procession in 1949. 

After centuries of constant devotion, the May 9, 1965, the Virgen de los Doloresis crowned canonically by Cardinal Bueno Monreal, being the first Cordobese Virgin who receives such tribute. 
The Virgen de los Dolores is the Saint Patron of Cordoba. In the Semana Santa of this city, its paso leaves the Viernes Santo o de Dolor ( Friday of Pain ) and has the more numerous entourage of nazarenos of Cordoba.

Information and images from Guía de la Semana Santa de Córdoba
Maximum Card Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
( Cancellation : Córdoba, September 19, 2000 )

Source : Germán de Toro Rodríguez, President of the Asociación Alminar, Córdoba

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