JERSEY. 2016 - Post & Go issues |
The JE01 at SPRING STAMPEX 2016. The new Crest of Jersey Post & Go series |
After three and a half months of inactivity since its last participation at a philatelic exhibition, (the Sindelfingen Internationale Briefmarken-Börse - see article, also published in VARIABLE 39), the JE01 philatelic kiosk of Jersey Post was again in service, for four days, at the London Spring Stampex 2016.
The machine was installed on the 'Post & Go Services' stand, next to the Royal Mail, Guernsey Post and Royal Gibraltar Post Office kiosks (More information). |
Jersey Post used the London event to launch a new 'Post & Go' thematic series, 'The Crest of Jersey', the second after the 'Protected Species' series, released during the Spring Stampex 2015 (see article, also in VARIABLE 36). |
This won't be the only one in 2016, as another set is scheduled for Autumn Stampex, in September. After the first year with excessive special imprints, and with many criticisms from collectors, Jersey Post seems to have decided to reduce the number of imprints, but increase the number of annual designs ...
During Spring Stampex 2016, the JE01 kiosk, which also offered the Spanish and Dutch language options in the main menu, issued stamps with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design and the special imprint '500 Years of Postal History' from one of the printers, and the new 'Crest of Jersey' thematic series, with no special impression, from the other. |
'The Crest of Jersey' series shows the coat of arms of Jersey in six different colours. It is associated with the set of 'traditional' definitive stamps issued one year earlier, on February 18th 2015. The image below features the six-value 'Post & Go' set, and the six definitive stamps with the same colours.
Jersey has been a Crown Dependency since 1204. In 1279, King Edward I granted the seal to the bailiwick of Jersey, from which the Coat of Arms is derived. The Crest of Jersey is a red shield with three gold leopards facing left, each with a raised paw. |
As with the stamps, the security background of new 'Post & Go' issues is formed by a wavy continuous micro printing with the names of the twelve parishes or administrative districts of Jersey: Grouville, St. Brelade, St. Clement, St. Helier, St. John, St. Lawrence, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St. Peter, St. Saviour and Trinity.
The design is by True North, and the rolls of thermal labels, with the six consecutive designs, were manufactured by Walsall Security Printing, using digital printing.
The new series could be obtained, from February 17th 2016, from the JE01 philatelic kiosk, temporarily installed at the London Spring Stampex 2016 (upper images), and from the JE02 kiosk permanently installed at Broad Street Post Office, in Saint Helier, Jersey, with the usual permanent imprint 'Broad Street' (see images below).
In addition, the philatelic service sells six-values sets or 'Collectors strips' with the 'Jersey flag' design and the Spring Stampex special text, plus the new 'The Crest of Jersey' series, all issued with the internal usage printer B002.
First day receipts of the six-value set or 'Collectors Strip' programmed in the kiosk and the set of six designs with the first value for domestic mail or 'Local Letter Strip', issued by the kiosks installed at Spring Stampex 2016 and Broad Street P.O., respectively.
The stamps bought in the London postal kiosk had a 20% surcharge on the face value, because of the VAT on sales made by Jersey Post in the UK. |
The JE02 kiosk installed in the Broad Street Post Office, in Saint Helier, has been relocated to the new 'Post Shop' retail space, after the complete refurbishment of the post office, opened on November 24th 2015. |
Left. Jersey Post has put on sale various accessories featuring the 2015 definitive stamps, such as cushions, mugs and notepads. |
The Collector strips sold by the Jersey Philatelic Bureau and included in the presentation packs and first day covers have the same lower code - B2JE16 B002-1969-003. B is for the machine and issue type (philatelic), 2JE16 for the month (February), country (Jersey), and year of issue. The code of the printer (B002), 1969 is a fictitious session number taken from the year of issue of the first Jersey stamps, and 003 indicates the third 'Post & Go' issue or set.
However, there are Collectors strips, also issued by the B002 printer and sold along with a first day receipt, in which the lower code is not identical for all the stamps, but with sequential session and stamp numbers.
Printer B002
Jersey Philatelic Bureau |
Kiosk JE01
Spring Stampex 2016 |
Kiosk JE02
Broad Street P.O. |
Jersey Post published a presentation pack and a pictorial first day cover with the six values and designs that make up the new series, plus a special postmark (right image).
This postmark is exclusive to this philatelic product and can't be obtained on other philatelic or postal items. |
However, from February 1st 2016, Jersey Philatelic Bureau has decided to charge a cancellation fee to those wishing a hand postmark on items franked with 'Post & Go' issues and requesting more than 25 cancellations ... A way to punish some of its best customers. Bad decision.
The Jersey Post kiosk at the 87th Scottish Congress |
After participating at the London Spring Stampex 2016, the JE01 'Post & Go' kiosk of Jersey Post was moved to Perth, in Scotland, on the occasion of the 87th Congress of the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies.
On its third visit to the annual congress, as a part of the Royal Mail 'Post & Go Services', the machine was in service on April 15th and 16th 2016.
Whilst it was only for two days, the first one was particularly intense. In addition to the issue of the Jersey stamps, the kiosk was also reconfigured to print all the Royal Mail stamps (see article, also published in VARIABLE 41). |
The kiosk issued ATMs with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design and the new thematic series 'The Crest of Jersey', launched in February, at Spring Stampex. For the first time in Perth, all stamps issued with this equipment included a special overprint, '87th Scottish Congress 2016'.
The code at the bottom of all the stamps issued during this philatelic event was B4GB16 JE01-. The sale price includes a surcharge of 20% on the face value, corresponding to the tax made on Jersey Post sales in the UK (see receipt). |
In addition to the stamps issued in Perth, Jersey Post put on sale 'Collectors strips' with the two design combinations, printed by the internal usage printer B002. |
Jersey Post marks the 100th Muratti Vase |
With the JE01 kiosk on its way to the New York World Stamp Exhibition (see next article), Jersey Post decided to schedule a new temporary imprint in the JE02 machine installed in the Broad Street post office, in Saint Helier. The new imprint commemorates the 100th Muratti Vase.
The Muratti Vase is an annual football competition between teams representing the three main Channel Islands - Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey. The first Muratti took place in 1905, with some interruptions due to the two World Wars.
With a victory in 2016, Jersey has won the title 54 times, Guernsey 46 times (shared with Jersey in 1937). Alderney has only won once, in 1920. |
To mark the anniversary, Jersey Post also released a special sheet of 20 self-adhesive stamps for local mail, featuring the coat of arms of Jersey and a attached vignette with different historical images of the competition.
The special imprint
Broad Street
100th Muratti Vase
was only programmed on the stamps printed with 'The Crest of Jersey' series. It was available from the JE02 kiosk from April 14th 2016, day of the celebration of the final between Guernsey and Jersey, and only for one month, until June 14th. |
Another Royal celebration, the third anniversary of Prince George |
A few weeks after the Guernsey Post kiosk celebrated Queen Elizabeth II's 90th birthday, Jersey Post's JE02 unit did the same with another member of the British Royal Family. In this case, on the occasion of the third birthday of Prince George of Cambridge.
Prince George Alexander Louis Windsor was born on July 22nd 2013. He is the eldest child of the Duke of Cambridge and the third in the line of succession to the British throne, after his grandfather Charles, Prince of Wales, and his father William, Duke of Cambridge. |
The second special temporary overprint, of 2016, in the Broad Street Post Office, in Saint Helier, was available from July 22nd until August 20th. All the stamps issued with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design included the special text
Prince George
3rd Birthday
A really surprising decision of Jersey Post. Without being a matter of special interest, nor having a special significance or relevance for this dependence of the British Crown, let us hope that this is not the beginning of an avalanche of special 'Post & Go' issues on the occasion of the birthdays of the members of the British Royal Family ... |
The JE01 kiosk at AUTUMN STAMPEX 2016. The new 'Beetles' series |
Unlike other years, in 2016, Jersey Post did not attend Autumn Stampex with a booth. However, its JE01travelling kiosk was again installed at the London Fair, at the 'Post & Go Services' stand, next to the Royal Mail, Guernsey Post and Royal Gibraltar Post Office units (More information).
In 2016, Jersey Post's JE01 kiosk has been used only in four philatelic events, 18 days in total - Spring Stampex, Scottish Congress, World Stamp Show - NY2016 and, finally, Autumn Stampex. |
During Autumn Stampex 2016, the JE01 kiosk issued stamps with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design and the special imprint
The Battle of the
Somme 1916-2016
on one of the printers, and the new 'Beetles' thematic series, with no special impression, on the other. |
The first block of the code at the bottom of all the stamps issued by the kiosk at this philatelic event is B9GB16 JE01-, followed by the session and stamp number.
As in February, Jersey Post used the Autumn's London Stampex to launch a new 'Post & Go' thematic series. The 'Beetles' set features a selection of insects that can be seen on the island, during the summer months - the Orange ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata), the Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis), the Bloody-nosed beetle (Timarcha tenebricosa), the Banded sexton beetle (Nicrophorus investigator), the Striped ladybird (Myzia oblongoguttata) and the Seven-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata).
Three of the insects featured in the series are repeated in the 'Ladybirds' series, produced by Royal Mail on the same date (see article and VARIABLE 42). |
The nice designs are by British illustrator Lizzie Harper, and the rolls of thermal labels, with the six consecutive designs, were manufactured by Walsall Security Printing, using digital printing.
The new series could be obtained, from September 14th 2016, from the JE01 philatelic kiosk, temporarily installed at London Autumn Stampex 2016, and from the JE02 kiosk permanently installed at Broad Street Post Office, in Saint Helier, Jersey, with the usual permanent imprint 'Broad Street' (see images below).
In addition, the philatelic service sells six-value sets or 'Collectors strips' with the 'Jersey flag' design and the Spring Stampex special text, plus the new 'Beetles' series, all issued from the internal usage printer B002.
The Collector strips sold by the Jersey Philatelic Bureau and included in the presentation packs and first day covers (upper images) have the same lower code - B9JE16 B002-1969-004. B is for the machine and issue type (philatelic), 9JE16 for the month (September), country (Jersey), and year of issue. The code of the printer (B002), 1969 is a fictitious session number taken from the year of issue of the first Jersey stamps, and 004 indicates the fourth 'Post & Go' issue or set. In addition, Jersey Post produced mint Collectors strips, also issued by the B002 printer and sold along with a first day receipt, in which the lower code is not identical for all the stamps, but with sequential session and stamp numbers.
Printer B002
Jersey Philatelic Bureau |
Kiosk JE01
Autumn Stampex 2016 |
Kiosk JE02
Broad Street P.O. |
Receipts of the six-value set or 'Collectors Strips', issued by the kiosks installed at Autumn Stampex 2016 and Broad Street P.O., respectively.
The stamps bought in the London postal kiosk had a 20% surcharge on the face value, because of the VAT on sales made by Jersey Post in the UK. |
A series with great illustrations, but maybe excessive ?? After 'The Crest of Jersey', the 'Beetles' series is the second thematic 'Post & Go' series issued by Jersey Post, in 2016. In total, this small philatelic service will have produced 53 different 'Post & Go' issues, in 2016, including all the combinations of designs and temporary and permanent overprints. Each issue / combination can be obtained with the six usual face value indicators, which makes a total of 318 different 'Post & Go' stamps in a single year (!).
Jersey Post also commemorates the Battle of Hastings |
The four postal administrations of the British area that are currently forming the 'Post & Go' family agree on a similar program of special imprints for the major philatelic events, such as London Stampex. In Autumn Stampex 2016, for example, the 'flag' designs of Royal Mail, Jersey and Guernsey Post included a special imprint commemorating the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.
In addition, Jersey and Guernsey Post decided to dedicate a special issue to commemorate the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings (see article, also published in VARIABLE 42).
In the tenth century, both dependencies were part of the duchy of Normandy, and therefore were next to the victorious army of the Battle.
Unlike Guernsey Post, Jersey Post decided to program the special overprint on a six-designs thematic series, 'The Crest of Jersey'. |
The printing was only available at the JE02 kiosk installed in the Broad Street post office, in St Helier, which also includes the usual permanent post office's imprint
Broad Street
The Battle of Hastings
and a graphic design with a broadsword.
This temporary impression was available for one month only, from October 14th, anniversary of the Battle, until November 13th 2016. |
ATM Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services:
© J. Jove - ATEEME. Variable value stamps study group. All rights reserved
This page was created in March 2016 and last updated:
. English edition last rewritten by S. Goodman (11.12.2016)