JERSEY. 2019 - Post & Go issues |
Jersey Post at SPRING STAMPEX 2019. The 'Durrell: Saving Primates' series |
Like Guernsey Post (article),
the Jersey Philatelic Bureau attended Spring Stampex 2019, for the first time, with two Intelligent AR kiosks selling variable value stamps.
The JE01 kiosk a frequent "visitor" to this stamp fair appeared on a stand in the gallery bay on the second floor, next to the Guernsey Post machine.
Jersey Post installed its second unit, the new desktop kiosk or JE03 DKU, usually installed at the local postal headquarters, at the back of the Business Design Centre central hall on a stand shared |
with four other postal administrations (more information). |
During the four days of Spring Stampex 2019, in a joint decision with Guernsey Post, one of the printers of the JE01 kiosk issued stamps with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design and the commemorative imprint ' Spring Stampex 2019 ' together with a graphic design featuring some daffodils. The new 'Durrell: Saving Primates' thematic series, with no special impression, was available from the second printer.
The first block of code at the bottom of all the stamps issued by this kiosk at the event is B2GB19 JE01-, followed by the session and stamp number. |
The new 'Durrell: Saving Primates' series was therefore available, from February 13th 2019, from the JE01 philatelic kiosk temporarily installed at Spring Stampex 2019 and from the permanent JE02 kiosk installed at the Broad street post office, Saint Helier, Jersey; in this latter case, with the ' Broad Street ' imprint.
This first Jersey Post thematic series of the year marks the 60th anniversary of the Jersey Zoo foundation, operated by the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. This non-profit organization was created by the naturalist Gerald Durrell, and focuses on the preservation of endangered species. Jersey Zoo is home to over a dozen species of primates, six of them featuring in the new series: Emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator),
White-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar), Red-ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra), Sulawesi crested black macaque (Macaca nigra), Black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) & Red-fronted brown lemur (Eulemur rufus).
The series designs and associated philatelic material (images below) are by Andrew Beckett.
The rolls of thermal self-adhesive labels are manufactured by Walsall Security Printing, with digital printing, on film / transparent backing paper. |
Receipts of the 'Durrell: Saving Primates' six-value set or Collectors Strips, issued by the kiosks installed at Spring Stampex 2019 and Broad Street P.O., respectively.
All stamps purchased at the Stampex postal kiosks had a 20% VAT surcharge on the face value of sales made by Jersey Post in the UK. |
The Jersey Philatelic Bureau also sells six-value sets or 'Collectors strips' with the 'Jersey flag' design and Spring Stampex 2019 commemorative imprint as well as the new thematic series. These are all issued locally with the DKU system, with the B002 special code.
There are two varieties to sets issued with the B002 code.
The first column on the left depicts the sets sold together with a first day receipt; the bottom code starts with B2JE19, followed by the equipment code B002, and the sequential session and stamp numbers.
The second column corresponds to sets included in presentation packs and on first day covers (depicted below), with all the stamps having the same bottom code, B2JE19 B002-1969-009. 'Durrell: Saving Primates' is the ninth 'Post & Go' thematic series released by Jersey Post. |
Jersey Post produced a presentation pack with the six-values set or 'Collectors strip', and a pictorial first day cover, together with a special postmark exclusive to this philatelic product. |
The desktop DKU system, with code JE03, installed on the Jersey Post shared stand, issued stamps with the 'Nautical knots' thematic series, released during Autumn Stampex 2018 (see article, also published in VARIABLE 50).
The stamps included the same commemorative imprint programmed at the JE01 kiosk for the 'Jersey flag' design, ' Spring Stampex 2019 ' and the graphic image of daffodils. |
Jersey Post marks the 60th anniversary of Jersey Zoo |
At the end of Spring Stampex 2019, the DKU desktop kiosk returned to Jersey and was reinstalled at the Jersey Post headquarters, in St Saviour. From Monday February 18th, the machine issued variable value stamps from the new 'Durrell: Saving Primates' thematic series and a new permanent imprint, ' Post Office HQ '. |
Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the date of the founding of Jersey Zoo, on March 26th 1959, the Jersey Philatelic Bureau scheduled two new special commemorative imprints at all the Intelligent AR kiosks in operation on the island.
From March 26th 2019, the JE02 kiosk installed in the philatelic section of Broad Street post office, in Saint Helier, issued 'The Crest of Jersey' series stamps with the special imprint ' Broad Street Durrell 60th Anniversary '. For its part the JE03 DKU unit issued the 'Durrell: Saving Primates' thematic series of stamps with the ' Durrell 60th Anniversary ' imprint. Both special issues were only available for one month, until April 23rd.
Since 1964, Jersey Zoo has been home to the Jersey Wildlife Conservation Trust, renamed the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust since March 26th 1999, in honour of its founder, Gerald Durrell. |
Jersey Post increased its postal rates on April 2nd 2019. This change does not affect the face value indicators programmed in the kiosks, but only the rates. The price of the six-value 'Collectors Strip' goes up from £4.79 to £4.98. |
Directly related to these issues, Jersey Post released a commemorative sheet on April 28th, made up of twenty UK Letter stamps and vignettes illustrated with photographs of Gerald Durrell and several species found at Jersey Zoo.
Jersey Post marks the 75th anniversary of 'D-Day' |
The Normandy landings, the largest seaborne invasion in history, and the start of Operation Overlord began at dawn on June 6th 1944. This was the largest military operation undertaken by the Allies during World War II, and ended with the liberation of Western Europe - including Jersey which had been occupied by Nazi Germany since 30 June 1940.
Jersey Post joined the celebrations of this important 75th anniversary of D-Day and on June 6th 2019 released the ' D-Day 75th Anniversary ' commemorative imprint on stamps issued from the two Intelligent AR kiosks in operation on the island. |
The JE02 kiosk installed in Broad Street post office, in Saint Helier, issued stamps with the special imprint on the 'The Crest of Jersey' series, and the DKU JE03 desktop unit, installed at Jersey Post headquarters, in St Saviour, issued stamps with the same imprint on the 'Jersey flag' definitive design.
This special imprint was only programmed for two weeks, till June 20th 2019. |
These commemorative issues complemented the release, a few days earlier, of a sheet made up of twenty UK Letter stamps depicting the Jersey flag, attached to vignettes illustrated with contemporary photographs of the 'D-Day' invasion.
The JE01 kiosk at AUTUMN STAMPEX 2019. 50 years of postal independence |
In 2019, the Jersey Post JE01 kiosk was only installed and used at the two London Stampex exhibitions.
During the 2019 Autumn Stampex, from September 11th to 14th, the machine was installed next to the Guernsey Post kiosk, on the Intelligent AR stand at the gallery bay on the second floor of the Business Design Center (more information). |
Again sharing a stand with Guernsey Post, the JE01 kiosk issued stamps with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design with the special imprint 'Jersey Post Celebrates 50 Yrs', from one of the printers, and from the other, the 'Durrell: Saving Primates' thematic series, introduced at the earlier Spring Stampex, with the 'Autumn Stampex 2019' imprint.
The first block of code at the bottom of all the stamps issued by this kiosk at the event is B9GB19 JE01-, followed by the session and stamp number.
The Jersey Philatelic Bureau also sells six-value sets or 'Collectors strips' with both series designs and special imprints. These are all issued locally with the DKU system, with the B002 special code. |
All stamps purchased at the Stampex postal kiosk had a 20% VAT surcharge on the face value of sales made by Jersey Post in the UK. |
With the abolition of the United Kingdom's General Post Office (GPO) Jersey like Guernsey achieved postal independence on October 1st 1969. In 2019, Jersey Post released a set of 'traditional' stamps commemorating its 50-year history (right image). The stamps, issued in pairs, show past and present scenes of Jersey Post activities. Relating to our field of study, we highlight the 99p values, with photographs of an old post office counter, now replaced or complemented by a new 'Post & Pay' kiosk installed in 2015 in the Broad Street office, in St Helier (see article and VARIABLE 38). |
The PostEurop Plenary Assembly in Jersey |
The 2019 PostEurop plenary assembly and the Business Innovation Forum was held in Jersey, and hosted by Jersey Post.
Created in 1993, PostEurop is the association of European public postal operators, whose aim is the optimization of postal activities and the promotion of cooperation among its members. PostEurop brings together and connects 52 members in 49 countries and territories. It is part of the Universal Postal Union and, since 1993, coordinates the annual issue of the 'Europa' stamp series.
The annual event took place at the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel in St Helier, Jersey's capital, from October 8th to 11th 2019. Over 120 delegates from the 52 member postal administrations attended the event, which coincided with Jersey Post’s 50th anniversary of independence from the UK Postal Service. |
Jersey Post temporarily installed its DKU or JE03 desktop kiosk in the lobby of the hotel where the assembly was held, and programmed a special imprint on the stamps issued.
At the request of delegates and visitors, the machine issued stamps with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design and special imprint during the four days of the assembly
Jersey 2019'. |
Jersey Post seasonal imprints |
Still in 2019, and for the third year running, Jersey Post programmed special imprints for its JE02 philatelic kiosk over the Christmas season. |
As in the previous two years, all stamps issued with the 'Jersey flag' definitive design included a text in English, 'Festive Cheer', while the stamps issued on the 'The Crest of Jersey' label series included the Jèrriais version, 'Bouannes Fêtes'. All stamps depicted a graphic design featuring a a Christmas tree. |
Both seasonal imprints were available from November 22nd 2019, the start date of the traditional 'Fête de Noué' or Christmas festival, till the beginning of January 2020. |
ATM Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services:
© J. Jove - ATEEME. Variable value stamps study group. All rights reserved
This page was created in April 2019 and last updated:
. English edition last rewritten by J. Gareze (19.01.2020)