The origin of Spanish ATMs  (3)

At the start of the roll of labels there is a special adhesive sealing label that currently is also used for the control registration of each roll.

The type and information contained on this adhesive label varies with the manufacturers and the years. We show some examples:

Sealing label for rolls manufactured by SINEL . The label includes only the quantity (1800) of labels per roll. Size: 50 x 17,5 mm.
One of the different designs of sealing label for the rolls made by OVELAR, S.A. It includes various control numbers, the date of manufacture (12/94 - December 1994, in this example) and the total quantity of labels on the roll (1.900). Size: 26 x 16 mm.
Sealing and control label on thermal adhesive paper. We can read the date of manufacture (NOV 98), control and reference numbers and the total quantity of labels (1.900 E/R - 1900 Etiquetas -labels- per Roll). Size: 30 x 28 mm.
Another version of sealing adhesive label. In this case the printing is not thermal, and includes the date of manufacture, the roll number, a reference code and the quantity of labels. Size: 52 x 21 mm.
The last papers manufactured by OVELAR in 2002 included these 2 sealing labels. (Size: 30 x 28 mm. and 26 x 16 mm.)
The first one is printed on adhesive thermal paper and shows the date of manufacture (JUNIO-02 / June 2002), the number of the roll (911020013233) and the quantity of labels (1.900 E/R).
An adhesive sealing label for the rolls made by the Real Casa de la Moneda - Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre.

Thermally printed, we can read the date of manufacture (ENE / 03 - January 2003), the number of the roll (901030015018) and the quantity of labels per roll (1900 / R). Size: 30 x 30 mm.

Sealing label for the rolls manufactured by SIGNE, S.A. Size: 26 x 16 mm. 
In this case the control information is on a second label in the plastic roll core (See the right lower image) ...
On the inner label (Size: 30 x 28 mm.) there is only the company logo (colour pre-printed) and the roll number (911030009650) (thermal printing). The date of manufacture and the quantity of labels per roll appears on a third label on the packing boxes.

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The origin of Spanish ATMs  | 1st. part  | 2nd. part  | 3rd. part  | 4th. part - Table

ATM Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services:
© J. Jove - M. Sans. ATEEME. Variable value stamps study group. All rights reserved
This page was created : 30.03.04. Last updated : 15.06.04. English edition rewritted by S. Goodman (20.06.04)