- Variable value stamps from ANDORRA
(Spanish Post) |
of post offices.
From July 1992 until November 1999
only the Main Post office in Andorra la Vella was
equipped with different Epelsa franking balances for printing
ATMs or variable value stamps.
These balances were type ET-CB
and issued ATMs with the 4-digits
printing variety.
(See also: Introduction.
1992-1996 / List of balances).
The other post offices of the Principat made up frankings
with traditional stamps or with long strips of ATMs, with
basic face values, which were printed in the Main Post Office.
On November 4, 1999, two EPELSA balances
- type ET-CB were installed
in the post offices of Escaldes-Engordany (number 0800)
and St. Julià de Lòria (number 0859).
Balance number 0800 came from the post office of Sort,
in Lleida, and balance 0859 came from the Andorra
la Vella main post office, where it had been in operation from
September 1997, but due to technical problems, it entered
service a week later than planned.
In January
2000 another EPELSA balance of the same type (number
1609) was installed in the new post office at La Massana.
In December 2000, this machine was
transferred to the Post Office at Encamp and, in its place,
another balance EPELSA ET-CB (number 1512) was installed.
This latter one, for a short period around February 2001
only, was unusual in that it didn't print any machine number
on the ATMs.
A Mobba
franking balance could be seen in 2001 in
the Main Post Office, but was never in service. |
Franking balance Epelsa ET-CB |
la Vella.
ATM with the printing variety 4 digits. Balance 1002 |
label of the 1st day in service. Balance 0800 |
0859. Adjust label issued in
September 1997 |
new printing variety.
Within this delayed process of modernization of offices, and also
during the month of January 2000, two new balances
installed in the Main Post Office of Andorra la Vella
producing the variety 5 digits small
(numbers 5466 and 6075).
The new franking balances were linked to the new computer
system for mail processing called IRIS, that already
had entered service progressively at the end of 1999 in the
Spanish post offices.
These two machines replaced only one of the two old EPELSA Model
ET-CB that were at the main counter, whereas the other (number
1002) remained in use for several more months (at least until
March 2000) for the printing of ATM strips.
Finally it was retired with the installation of two new EPELSA
ET-RL(IRIS) balances, also with the variety 5
digits small (numbers 6086 and 6647).
From March 2000 there are 4 franking balances installed
in the Main Post Office of Andorra la Vella.
A fifth balance with number 3921 also exists, originally
assigned to the post office of Cervera (Lleida). This
balance was in service at different periods as a standby
in case of failure or maintenance of any of the other 4 balances.
The periods in service can be seen in the post office's list.
Registered shipments from post offices of Andorra
did not include a control label;
only those franking balances linked to the Iris system
issued this type of postal labels. The control labels can
be found only in the registered shipments posted from the
Main Post Office of Andorra la Vella between January
2000 and April 2002.
is prepared for the Euro.
Just as in all the Spanish
post offices, the 4 franking balances EPELSA ET-RL(IRIS)
in operation in the Main post office of Andorra la Vella,
were pre-adjusted during the Summer of 2001 in anticipation
of the Euro.
This preparation, already dealt with on this website for the franking
balances in Spanish post offices (see study),
caused the appearance of a new printing variety, because
all the balances printing 5 digits narrow or small, changed
for a few months to 6 digits narrow or small. |
la Vella. Postal counter with the computer system and
the franking balance Epelsa ET-RL |
la Vella. ATM with the variety 5 digits small.
Balance 6647 |
la Vella. Adjust label
- Balance 6647 |
la Vella. Control label
of a registered shipment with destination Spain - Balance
6647 |
la Vella. Control label
of an international registered shipment - Balance 6075 |
la Vella. ATM with the variety 6 digits small.
Balance 6086 |
cover franked with an ATM with face value in EUR,
issued by the franking balance 6647 on December 28th,
2001, and circulated to Spain. The letter includes also
2 different control labels; from Andorra post office
and from Spanish posts.
The first cover circulated in EUR know at the moment. |
EURO arrives in Andorra.
The 4 balances EPELSA ET-RL(IRIS)
in use in Andorra la Vella main post office, were all connected
to the postal computer system, IRIS, from the Spanish
posts, and started to issue ATMs in EUROS at the end
of December 2001 (the first known date is December 28th.).
The rest of the franking balances used in the other post
offices, all of type EPELSA ET-CB (4 digits), should have
been taken out of service on December 31st, 2001 with the
arrival of the EURO.
In January 2002 their replacement with
a new franking balance model EPELSA ET-RL/T,
was not completed and some "old" balances ET-CB remained
in service, issuing ATMs with values in Pesetas
In addition to the Main Post Office
of Andorra la Vella, there are 4 more post offices
in Andorra equipped with franking balances Epelsa
model ET-RL/T: Escaldes-Engordany, Sant Julià
de Lòria, La Massana and Encamp.
(See also the list of post offices and balances).
The installation of the vending machine Epelsa LF.
In December 2004 a new ATM vending machine Epelsa LF 1100
was installed in the hall of the Main Post Office of Andorra
la Vella. The machine did not enter in service until April-May
The ATMs issued by this vending machine can be recognized
by the number printed on the ATMs (10039) and by the
smaller height of the face value figures.
(Read article. The new ATM
vending machine Epelsa LF in Andorra). |
la Vella. ATM with face value in EUROS. Variety
5 digits small. Balance 6075 |
la Vella. Adjust label
- January 16th, 2002. Balance 6647 |
Adjust label - January 17th,
2002. Balance 0083 |
la Vella. ATM issued by the ATM vending machine Epelsa
LF 1100 |
Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services:
© J. Jove - M. Sans. ATEEME.
Variable value stamps study group. All rights reserved
This page was created in 1999 and last updated:
English edition rewrited by S. Goodman (17.06.05)